Welcome to our website, we are a church that operates under the authority of the Holy Scripture which is our absolute authority and what we use to understand God’s word properly is New Covenant Theology, which is derived from scripture itself as the proper means to interpreting scripture accurately.

We understand that God is sovereign in salvation, yet not without the required means which is our responsibility to proclaim the God saving message, Jesus. (Romans 10:13-15)

The way in which we function on Sunday morning is, we begin with prayer, the reading of scripture, followed by songs of worship and praise, and then with our sermon. During the message one is free to contribute by adding to the message with comments or asking questions. We end with more worship and praise, and close with prayer.

What makes us different during our sermon time is that one can and often do, is ask questions or make comments of what is being said by the pastor. One who is not accustomed to this method of interaction may think it is out of place, but not so. Let me explain the benefits of this method.

  1. First of all it involves the church so that they are not just sitting and listening but engaging their minds in what they are hearing.
  2. It also frees them to asking questions that need a more complete answer or may ask to repeat an explanation in another way to ensure understanding. Many a time the input by the congregation brings fuller understanding to what is being taught.
  3. It also teaches a person to learn how to correctly understand scripture by learning to think things through for themselves along with others.
  4. It keeps the pastor on his toes, to not just say whatever comes into his mind. It creates an environment of accountability for what he is teaching to the congregation.
  5. The reading, studying, and understanding of scripture is the responsibility of the church and not just the pastor alone. Each person who knows Christ is able to contribute to the edification of the body of Christ according to their particular gifting’s. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27)

It would please us for you to join us if you are looking for a biblical church,

            May the Lord bless and keep you,

                                                            Pastor John Aguilar